MORE THAN A SPORTS PROGRAM | first tee - indiana
First Tee - Indiana came under the Indiana Golf Foundation umbrella in 2012. With over 20 years of experience providing golf programs to Indiana youth, the Indiana Golf Foundation has established itself as a national leader in junior golf. In addition to the Indiana Golf Foundation's mission to teach life lessons through the game of golf, First Tee incorporates nine core values: honesty, respect, integrity, judgment, perseverance, courtesy, responsibility, sportsmanship, and confidence.
We currently have 18 program locations offering the Life Skills Experience Certifying Program and 275 elementary schools incorporating the National School Program into their physical education classes. From Michiana to Evansville, communities across the state are recognizing the impact First Tee can have on their youth and opening their doors to this research-driven program.
INDIANA BY THE NUMBERS 98,000 youth reached in the National School Program 100+ volunteers actively engaged 308 NSP elementary schools 58 golf courses offering First Tee program 2,300+ participants in the Life Skills Education
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