We would like to thank our Evansville committee who has worked diligently on providing a sustainable program to Evansville youth. As volunteers, committee members are responsible for marketing, programming, financing, and fundraising.

Jon DierlamCommittee Chairman
Bo BrienFinance
Carl HeldtCommittee member
Meghan CravenCommittee member
Paul McAuliffeCommittee member
Kim HowardCommittee member
Ken WempeCommittee member
Ana HevronCommittee member
Suzanne NoblettFirst Tee Lead Coach
Nick HaudekFirst Tee Lead Coach
Scott CulleyFirst Tee Lead Coach
Jon CarpenterFirst Tee Lead Coach
Micah HaasFirst Tee Coach
Kaylea GibsonFirst Tee Coach

Without our committee, we would not be sustainable. Our volunteers are the heart of this program, making the decisions that impact our participants and provide them a safe place to learn and grow. We cannot thank our committee enough for their tremendous efforts to positively impact our community.